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Explore news and perspectives on the Moon and lunar industry. Our blog publishes announcements and news, research, and expert views.
What We Do On the Moon Can Transform How We Live On Earth. It Starts With Community.
Open Lunar has the potential to drive the creation of an approach to Lunar settlement that puts stewardship first.
Launch Event Video: Bright Moon - Creating a Global Registry of Lunar Activities
This event marked the launch of the Registry Project White Paper which provides an insightful exploration of the creation of an open, transparent, and dedicated lunar registry that will catalogue crucial mission details such as launch state, operating actor, location, time, and more.
Research Showcase Event Video July 2021
Every few months, we work to collate all our recent insights and share it publicly in a rare and powerful summary of the work that we do. In this event you'll hear from five researchers, four of which are part of our esteemed Fellowship program, as well as Dr Woods, Senior Researcher and lunar engineer.
Open Lunar Statement to the UN COPUOS Legal Subcommitee
When Open Lunar began, policy and governance for lunar activities was considered obscure. Just a few short years ago, the idea of discussing space resources at COPUOS was almost unthinkable. Since then, it has become clear that there are numerous legal and policy questions and the Moon is likely to be our first test.
“Breaking Ground” - A Lunar Resources Trust
Today we announce Breaking Ground, a lunar resources trust which will exist to steward and demonstrate formal and effective institutional management of lunar resources between different stakeholders.
Research Showcase
Get inspired by our latest research on lunar governance, security and resource management.
Open Lunar Fellowship Showcase: Event Video
Open Lunar Foundation leads a Fellowship program inviting experts across multiple sectors to contributor their talents towards the mission of a peaceful cooperative long term future on the Moon which benefits all life.