Special Zones for Lunar Activities
Project Contributors: Ethan Hudgins, Alex Gilbert
Exploring the feasibility of zones on the Moon ranging from unregulated areas to protective zones for specific activities.
Open Lunar Impact
A framework for guiding future infrastructure development on the lunar surface, specifically lunar settlements.
About the Project
The efficiency, productivity, and success of a permanent lunar settlement will depend significantly on the character of its land use tools and processes. This research adapts land use and zoning best practices to lunar settlement planning for lunar development possibilities.
About the Need
To alleviate unnecessary competition on the lunar surface for infrastructure development. The framework provides a guide for actors to combine efforts and resources for infrastructure development on the Moon, which could also potentially bring down the individual cost burden to each actor.
About the Solution
The research proposes policy recommendations intended to be comprehensive and integrable with broader city planning strategies, such as the creation of a functional grid on which to apply land use policies. Land use and zoning policies regulate the built environment and frame the market for development and enterprise to operate predictably and productively. Assigning allowable activities to land and constructing a flexible development process can create this productive ecosystem and ensure the development outcomes align with the larger goals of the lunar settlement